The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 13: Update XII - Featuring: Sidequests

Update XII - Featuring: Sidequests

Music: The Daily Grind

Alright, let's go grab the other two DLC portraits.

Strangely, while the scene for Code: Lucier (and Code: Student in a minute) took place right where the NPC is, Code: Otaku instead teleports everyone to the doors.

I guess they couldn't really cram Unit 13, the quest giver, 2020 Hacker, Nagamimi, and Allie into that tiny cafe.

Kazu: *faint-o* ...

Let's forget about him-o.

And so, the creepy dude with some kind of femdom fetish vanishes into the ether, never to be seen again.

Uhhhhhh... Shit.

Y-Yeah, but... She lost all her memories. We don't even know where her home is. I don't know what to do with her...

Hmmm★ She can fight dragons with Unit 13!

What are you smoking!? She's a civilian, not a dragon hunter!

About that... I looked into her 7th Encount data, and it turns out she's quite the little pro! Believe it or not, she went and took down a High Dragon in there!

Seriously, where were all these High Dragons hiding out? 7th Encount consists of a single tower that's 95% linear paths.

What!? That's insane!

Will you join us?

Hacker nods.

Eeheehee... Looks like she's all pumped up.

Then it's settled! I love getting more teammates! Welcome to Nodens!

And now to finish up this trio of DLC quests with Samurai.

Ichi: You have my gratitude, Honorable Unit 13! Now I will no longer have to end my life!

...What time period do you think you're living in? More importantly, you have a place you can stay, Straight Bangs?

Samurai looks down.

This isn't good...

You'd think the president of one of the most popular video game companies in the world/owner of the world's first and only time machine would be... I don't know, busy?

Allie. Yeah, but... She's got amnesia. She doesn't even know where she lives! I'm fresh outta ideas...

How about she team up with Unit 13 to fight dragons?

Don't be ridiculous! We can't have a civilian out on the battlefield!

Well, I checked on her 7th Encount data, and surprise, surprise! She has extraordinary strength! Before you had to go and scare her, she was hunting dragons! She even took down a High Dragon!

What!? No freaking way!

Wanna kill some dragons?

Samurai nods.

Eeheehee... I think she's into this.

Then it's settled! I love getting more teammates! Welcome to Nodens!

For whatever reason, this is the only ending cutscene that has the quest giver stick around for the whole thing.

And that's all of them.

While we just get the female portraits, they still get the standard three color options.

With that dealt with, we can finally go fetch the Blaster Pen.

Tina: Sorry, Unit 13! Wait here for a few!

We get a quick fade to black.

Tina: This is probably the pen you're looking for, Unit 13. I was making a poster reminding everyone to wash their hands so they don't catch a cold. That's when this funny-looking man in tights came and started helping me out. I guess his pen got mixed in with the others! I need to go give it back to him right away! Huh? You'll do it for me? That's perfect! I'm actually still waiting to get my check-up. Thank you so much, Unit 13!

...I thought Blaster Raven was joking when he called it his Blaster Pen.

Blaster Pen in Blaster Hand, we can go get his autograph.

To echo the bravery put forth by my loyal followers, I shall pour my heart into this autograph!

And he actually calls it a Blaster Autograph!

By the way, is one all that you require? I have no arrangements for today, so I can sign until—

Anyways, what exactly do you do?

*chuckle* I'm glad you asked! I vanquish dragons in the west! I save people in need in the east!

*sob* That was... beautiful...



That's quite alright...

*chuckle* Such modest children! The future of this Earth is bright indeed! Do not be afraid to ask! Blaster Raven will always be here for those in need! Hahaha!

And now to hand over the Blaster Autograph.

Researcher Joe: Thank you so much! This'll help me fulfill my fatherly duties! Here, take this. It's not much, but it's all I've got.

You obtained Healing Aloe I x3.

You obtained SP Up 100 x3.

That was the last sidequest we could do in 2100.

Now, there will almost certainly be a cutscene when we enter the Portal Room...

Music: UE77 Tokyo

But fast travel lets us skip right over it!

Granted, we won't be allowed to actually go to Cladeon until we watch that cutscene.

Music: Atlantica - The Emerald Afterglow

Back in Atlantica, we're here for snails and seeds.

Some markers have also appeared on the map.

Each marker is a field enemy.

Music: Battlefield - Atlantis

Each one is an encounter with at least one Dragonsbane Seed.

Thankfully, Cyclone Dance shreds them.

Music: Finish Them Off

Compared to the normal seeds in this area, the DLC seeds give insane SP at 400 a kill.

The catch is that they just... never scale up.

Music: Atlantica - The Emerald Afterglow

We could be at the end of the game where we need over 9000 SP to level a skill, and this DLC (which you pay for, mind) will still be giving around 4000 for a full run through Atlantica.

More spawn in every time we kill the previous set.

The second seed drops... cat food?

Cat food?

What the hell are people feeding their pets in the 22nd century???

They aren't all one seed, however. This fight has two seeds and a Queen Rabi. The Queen Rabi hews more closely to a traditional Metal Slime, having high evasion and giving lots of EXP.

Having multiple enemies on the field really cuts the effectiveness of Cyclone Dance, so the Rabi and one of the Seeds manage to run away.

The next two fights show up on the next screen, but I'd rather not get too strong for where I'm at, so I'll put the rest of this off for another day.

I have a better idea on how to use the rest of that SP, anyways.

Instead, I head inside.

Spiral Cannons have a higher chance of spawning when indoors, and we also have a 10% chance of running into a normal Seed to boot!

The first trip through Atlantica got me 8 units, so farming up the remaining 2 takes no time at all.

Also, for those of you familiar with the 2020s, the jokey item blurbs for monster bits were entirely added by Pokeytax. Junk items here either tell you if something is for a quest, or if you can sell it right away.

Again, why are Dragonsbane Seeds dropping cat food?

And done.

Music: The Daily Grind

Buuuuuuuut since heading back to Nodens puts us in the Portal Room, we're automatically forced into the cutscene.

We sent the other soldiers ahead to Atlantis. I wanted to speak with you guys before starting this mission. I'm sure you have plenty of thoughts about us stepping on your toes... But I'm honestly quite excited about cooperating to fight the True Dragons. I look forward to working with you, Opal.

That's enough, Yuma. Let's go.

A quick stop to turn in that meat, and then we can go to Cladeon.

Ami: You got 10 Spiral Meat, just like I asked you to! Ohhhhhh they look so delicious! I mean, uh... valuable for research! Right! Anyways, here's your reward!

You obtained Steel Wear x1.

The Steel Wear is tanky armor that's a bit better than what we can buy in store for now.

Ami: You guys were so quick on the job... Mmm, meat caught by the most talented hunters around... The texture is probably incredible... *drool*

There, all sidequests (aside from those seeds) done.

Now we can get back to our actual job.

Music: UE77 Tokyo

They didn't lie, that ward really do be lower.

Music: Cladeon - An Undersea Shimmer

You know, its a good thing OSHA didn't exist in 10000 B.C.

Because I'm fairly sure a drop to... what was that on the map screen, the seabed? Would have them flipping out.

Sheesh, Julietta never tells me anything! What the heck are we supposed to do here!? Watch where you step, Unit 13. Unless you wanna splatter like a blood-filled pumpkin, that is.

Hmph. We'll be continuing whether you want to or not. Find a safer route if you're too afraid.

Well then, please excuse us.

Yuma and Yoritomo start hopping from one floating rock to another.

Hey, Unit 13! Get a move on!

Opal looks around.

You idiot! You think you'll be able to beat a True Dragon if this crap scares you? I won't force you or anything, but just try and figure it out! I bet your footing'll be secure if you follow their path. C'mon, get going!

Next time: Nodens starts a new hiring initiative.